On Monday, teachers will review ACT prep suggestions, tips, etc. for taking the test. On Tuesday, you will take the test with your first-period teacher. On Wednesday, you will correct the tests and be able to ask your teachers questions. Here is next week‘s schedule:
Monday – Normal bell schedule
Tuesday – Test day, go to your first-period class (If you have Seminary first period, please come to the office)
Wednesday – Normal bell schedule
Thursday – Closing assembly, cleaning, yearbooks 8:30 – 12:00. THE SCHOOL WILL CLOSE AT NOON.
Friday Evening – LATA’s (Liahona Academy Theater Awards) will start with a Red carpet event at 5:00 pm Award ceremony starts at 6:00 pm. All are invited to attend.
Saturday – Graduation at 10:30 am. Seniors -Mandatory rehearsal at 8 am.
*Instructions and tests will be sent in an email so you can take the test at home.
Monday and Wednesday classes will be filmed on Telenect so even if you aren’t taking one of these classes at Liahona, you will still be able to watch the classes to prep for the ACT. *Tuesday is test day (no filming).